Trademark Fees


Trademark Fees

Description Price
On application to register a mark $475 (includes one class)
For each additional Class (up to 4 additional classes) $100 per class
On submitting a notice of opposition to an application for registration of a mark $225
On submitting an answer to a notice of opposition $175
Participating in opposition or observation proceedings $350
On application for change to application for registration of a mark $50 (if the change is before publication)
For recognizing the transfer of an application for registration of a mark $150 (if the transfer is before publication of the application
On submitting a withdrawal of application $100 (if the withdrawal is before publication of the application
On application for restriction of application for registration of a mark $100 (if restriction is before publication of the mark
For renewal of registration of a mark before the expiry of registration under section 21(3) of the Act $375
... For each additional class in respect of a renewal $75
For renewal of registration of a mark after expiry of registration under section 21(3) of the Act $425
On application for amendment to any other application (renewals or recordals) $50 (if the change is before publication)
For recording a licence-contract $225
For cancellation of a licence-contract $225
For recording the transfer of a licence-contract $225
For recording a sub-license-contract $225
For cancellation of a sub-license-contract $225
For recording the transfer of a sub-license-contract $225
For recording a change of name / address / other change (Change of agent) $225
For recording the transfer of a registered mark (excluding a collective or certification mark) $225
On application for approval of the transfer of a collective or certification mark $225
For recording the transfer of a collective or certification mark $225
On application to record a change of conditions governing use of collective or certificate mark $225
On submitting a notice of revocation of registration $225
On submitting an answer to a notice of recovation $225
On submitting a notice of invalidation of registration $225
On submitting an answer to a notice of invalidation of registration $225
For participating in revocation or invalidation proceedings $350
For surrender of registration $250
For any one-off publication $100
For a search of the Register $20
For examining or making extracts or copies of records in the Register $5 per page or part of a page
For a copy of any document $10
For a certified copy of any document $25
For alteration of a Certificate of Registration $50
For replacement of a Certificate/provision of a copy $50
For requesting that the Registrar extend the time limit for doing anything $50

Please note that all fees are stated in Belize Dollars. (2 BZD = 1 USD)

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