Patent Fees


Patent Fees

Description Price
On application for the grant of a Patent $450 (Including 1st annuity fee)
For publication and grant of a patent $550
On application for a change to application for grant of a patent $50
For recognizing the transfer of an application for a patent under Section 31 of the Act $25
For transfering application for a patent $200
On application for approval of the transfer of an application for a patent $200
On submitting a withdrawal of application $50 (if not yet published)
before the 1st anniversary of filing $100
before the 2nd anniversary of filing $200
before the 3rd anniversary of filing $300
before the 4th anniversary of filing $400
before the 5th anniversary of filing $500
before the 6th anniversary of filing $600
before the 7th anniversary of filing $700
before the 8th anniversary of filing $800
before the 9th anniversary of filing $900
before the 10th anniversary of filing $1,000
before the 11th anniversary of filing $1,100
before the 12th anniversary of filing $1,200
before the 13th anniversary of filing $1,300
before the 14th anniversary of filing $1,400
before the 15th anniversary of filing $1,500
before the 16th anniversary of filing $1,600
before the 17th anniversary of filing $1,700
before the 18th anniversary of filing $1,800
before the 19th anniversary of filing $1,900
For making late payment of the annual fee $100
For filing an application for a utility model $350
For publication of a utility model certificate $250
For conversion of application under section 22(1) and 53(1) of the Act $200
For amendment of the text or drawing of the patent $100
For filing international application with Office as Receiving Office $300
For registration of a contract and publication of reference to contract in Journal under section 37(2) of the Act $350
For recording an address for service $200
For recording a change of name or address in the Register $250
For transferring registration of a patent $200
On application for approval of the transfer of a patent $200
For transfer of a voluntary license $350
For requesting a non-voluntary license under section 38(1) or the Act $1000
For a statutory license under section 38 of the Act $350
For a transfer of a statutory license under section 35(8) of the Act $350
For a cancellation of a license-contract $350
For recording the transfer of a license-contract $350
For recording a sub-license contract $350
For cancellation of a sub-license contract $350
For recording the transfer of a sub-license contract $350
For recording any other change in the Register $250
On application for amendment to any other application $50 (if not yet published)
For any one-off publication $100.00
For restoration of a patent 750 (plus any outstanding annuities and late fees)
On submitting a notice of opposition to an application for restoration of a patent $250
On submitting an answer to notice of opposition to an aplication for restoration of a patent $250
For surrender of a patent $200
On submitting a notice of opposition to an application for surrender of a patent $250
On submitting an answer to notice of opposition for surrender of a patent $250
For participating in opposition and revocation proceedings $350
For preparation of an extract under section 7(2) of the Act $25
For examining or making extracts or copies of records in the Register under section 7(2) of the Act $5 per page or part of a page
For a certified copy of a patent certificate or any other document $25
For a replacement of a patent certificate $50
For a copy of a document or any other document $10
For an electronic search of the Register $20
For requesting that the Registrar extend the time limit for doing anything $50

Please note that all fees are stated in Belize Dollars. (2 BZD = 1 USD)

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